A garage door can last for 15 years or more, but eventually, it will need to be replaced. If your door is approaching retirement age, it’s a good idea to plan ahead. Instead of waiting until the last possible moment, you can choose to schedule this task during the time of year that makes the most sense for you.


Replacing a garage door in winter can be a challenge. The weather often does not cooperate. Snow and ice may cause the job to be rescheduled until a more favorable day.

The chill of winter may be another factor to consider. Garage door pros are accustomed to working in any conditions; frigid temperatures won’t keep them away. However, if you have an attached garage, you may be concerned about heat loss from your home. This is something to think about, but it doesn’t have to be the deciding factor. When necessary, professional installers may use plastic sheeting to help insulate the garage. Plus, their experience in the industry means they can install your door quickly. In addition, a quality installer will arrive with all the parts necessary to perform the job and extras. This helps them prevent delays by avoiding needing to return to the shop.

Another consideration is the interruption to your daily routine. During a garage door installation, you will need to park your car outdoors. While unlikely, your appointment may be on the same day as a major snowstorm or a cold snap. If you schedule the installation for another time of year, this will not be an issue.

Finally, while it may seem trivial to some, you may not want your brand-new door to undergo a rough winter welcome. Choosing a different season for installation could allow your garage door to stay in like-new shape for as long as possible and give you more time to enjoy it.


Springtime temperatures are often just right for a garage door replacement appointment. Your garage door pros may have pleasant weather in which to work, and you won’t have to worry much about letting climate-controlled air escape through the gaping hole in your garage.

In spring, garage door companies often have flexible schedules. This tends to be a less busy time of year. You may be able to get an appointment sooner rather than later or pick a time that works great for your schedule. Any parts that need to be ordered may be available more quickly. Also, garage door companies often run specials to draw customers in during this slower time of year.

Additionally, a garage door replacement is sometimes necessary in the spring. A door on its last legs before winter may be a goner by the time the spring thaw rolls around.

Another thing to consider when it comes to garage door replacement is how much more functional a new door can be. Making do with a door that doesn’t work too well is a pain. Each time you go out, you may be crossing your fingers that the door will open or shut properly. Since summer is a big season for being out and about, it makes sense to get your door ready to go before then, and spring is the perfect time to do so.


Yes, summer days are hot, but just as garage door pros are used to working outside on cold days, they are also accustomed to warm ones. Climate control may be a factor here, though. Just as you don’t want warm air to escape through your attached garage on a cold day, you don’t want to lose cooled air on a hot one. Fortunately, most replacements can be completed within a few hours, so your home won’t be overly exposed for too long.

Once your new garage door is in place, you may receive the benefit of increased energy savings. An updated door might have improved insulation, which can help guard against temperature loss. If you switch out your door during Kentucky’s notoriously hot summer months, you may notice a reduction in your utility bill right away.


Weather-wise, fall can be a good time for a garage door replacement. While the temperatures are falling, they’re typically not yet frigid. You won’t have to worry about too much heat loss from your house during the hour or two that it takes to swap out the garage door. It makes sense to get the work done before you are struggling with an uncooperative garage door during the chilliest time of the year.

While fall offers decent weather for garage door work, scheduling may be a different matter. A garage door company’s calendar is often quite full in the fall. That’s because many homeowners get anxious to fix their garage door problems before winter sets in. If you try to schedule your door replacement for autumn, you may have to wait for an opening or choose a less convenient appointment time. Also, because of companies’ busy schedules, discounts may not be as common.

Which Season Is Best for Garage Door Replacement?

As you may have gathered, spring is the best season in which to replace your garage door. The temperatures are comfortable, which is nice for your garage door pros as well as your heating and cooling costs. Plus, spring falls directly between two big seasons for garage doors. Winter puts a toll on doors and their components, and then summer is often a busy season of opening and closing the door for outdoor adventures. With a spring installation, you’ll put the worn-out door behind you and be ready for everything summer offers.

If spring won’t work for your schedule, summer is typically the second-best choice for garage door replacement. As with spring, summer usually has more favorable weather conditions for this job than the colder months do. Also, summer may not be as busy of a time for your garage door company. That can pay off, both with convenient scheduling and money-saving specials.

Replacing Your Garage Door at Other Times of Year

While spring and summer are often the top choices for when to replace a garage door, any time of year will work. If you experience a major garage door malfunction, don’t hesitate to replace it before spring rolls back around. Rather, schedule a professional garage door replacement as soon as possible. Garage pros know how to take on this job in any season. Having a functional garage door is a priority, and you can trust your local garage door team to make it happen.

Contact the Professionals

At Lewis Door Service, we have offered comprehensive garage door services in Louisville and the surrounding area for over 50 years. We are experts in both garage door openers and garage doors. Additionally, we install a variety of garage brands insulated and non-insulated garage doors in a variety of functional and attractive styles. Schedule your appointment with one of our professionals today.

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