Statistics show that most burglaries occur when residents go to work or run errands during the daytime. Perhaps you have taken multiple measures to secure your home’s windows and doors, but what about your garage? It may not be the most common point of entry for thieves, but it never hurts to keep your home as secure as possible. Since most people can’t stay in the house every day watching their garage, what options do you have to secure this space?

1. Participate in a Neighborhood Watch

Garages are usually clearly visible from the street, either attached to the side of the house or located somewhere else in the yard, with a driveway leading to the door. Get to know your neighbors, and keep an eye out for any strangers. Let them know if there is any sign of suspicious behavior on or near their property, and ask them to reciprocate. Thieves will often move on to easier targets once they realize the property owners are on the alert.

2. Keep the Garage Door Closed

Do not advertise what goods you may have in the garage. Keep the door closed as much as possible. As you drive around neighborhoods, you may notice that many residents keep the garage open for a foot or two. It could be to let some fresh air into the space or to allow pets to come and go. However, you’re not the only one noticing these partially opened doors. They provide easy access to burglars who can quickly roll under them and take whatever they want.

3. Remove Valuables From the Car and Garage

There are safer places to store your valuables than in the garage. Thieves know the likely hiding spots and may have seen you unloading your car and putting enticing items on shelves. Don’t believe your vehicle’s contents are safe because it is in the garage. If someone can break into your garage, they can probably open a locked car door.

4. Use Padlocks

If you want to store tools and other handheld equipment, put them in a padlocked cabinet. Ensure it is heavy enough that they can’t easily cart it away. You can padlock more oversized items to other immovable garage objects or lock them to heavy-duty steel hooks impeded in the walls, floor or ceiling.

5. Upgrade Your Remote Control

Garage door openers have gone high-tech. If you are interested in a type that requires you to enter a code to open the door, purchase a model that constantly changes the code. Another feature you may want to consider is an opener that notifies you if the door is not closed within a specified timeframe. This helpful reminder may prevent a robbery. You might be able to close it remotely, or the door could close automatically if the sensor fails to detect any motion within the garage.

6. Install Motion Detectors

Spend the money to install motion-detecting flood lights near any possible access points. You will surely get false alarms from animals crossing through your yard, but you might also spotlight a potential thief.

7. Install Security Cameras

If you have the video rolling when the floodlights come on, you could catch a clear photo of an intruder’s face. Purchase a night-vision camera with enough resolution to produce identifiable pictures. Have at least one inside and outside the garage.

8. Don’t Forget the Windows

Do not let anyone peer into your garage windows. Install shades or frosted windows as a deterrent. You might also want to consider replacing the current windowpanes with impact-resistant glass.

9. Install a Security System

Many residents purchase or lease home security systems, so why not include the garage in the package? It makes sense if you want another layer of protection. Once the burglars are in the garage, they might pick the inside door lock, pry the door open or break through drywall to access your home. Using a sophisticated monitoring system to secure your garage is a good idea.

10. Shield the Emergency Release

The garage door emergency release provides a way to open the door from the inside if the power goes out. It is frequently a red cord hanging down from the overhead track, and the door opens when you pull on it. Sometimes, thieves may find a gap at the top of the door or between the sections, allowing them to grasp the cord and open it. To prevent this, you want to put a barrier between the door and the cord. Do not disengage the emergency release because you may get trapped inside if the power goes out.

11. Remove Tools From Around the Exterior

Do not leave your tools in the yard when you leave the home. There might be something in the pile that a thief could use to break in through the door or a window.

12. Add a Deadbolt

Strengthen your protection measures. Add a deadbolt and reinforce the doorjamb and hinges. It is hard to get past a deadbolt, so they are a popular addition to a home’s security measures. Why not add one to your garage door?

13. Trim the Shrubbery

High shrubs and grasses can easily hide someone trying to climb through a garage window. Ensure that all access points are visible. Mow the grass and trim the shrubs around the entire perimeter of the garage. If there are trees in front of windows or doors, consider removing them.

14. Replace Outdated Garage Doors

Old garage doors with rotting frames are easy targets for thieves. The most secure doors are electric, made from galvanized steel and have a sectional or roll-up construction. Do not forget to update any side doors. They are as crucial to security as the main entrance.

15. Reinforce the Garage Door

Install a bracing system with horizontal and vertical steel bars across the inside door. This reinforcement helps keep the doorframe strong and deters a thief trying to pry the door open. Other alternatives include aluminum bars positioned vertically from floor to ceiling.

16. Turn Off the Power

Electrical garage doors are popular, but a lost remote control or standard code for the remote makes them vulnerable to thieves. If you are leaving the house for an extended time, consider cutting the power to the garage. That will render the remote useless and put your mind at ease.

Lewis Door Service has been the premier garage door company in Louisville, southern Indiana and the surrounding areas since 1973. Our website has an interactive feature that lets you custom-design your garage door. You choose the style of your home, whether you want wood or steel, the type and color of the door and the window design. Submit your preferences to us, and we will give you a quote. We provide 24/7 emergency repair service and free advice. If you are in the market for a new garage door, contact Lewis Door Service today!

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